Cancellation and Refund

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Cancellation and Refund Policy - Health Factors Membership

This policy outlines the cancellation and refund procedures specifically for Health Factors memberships.

Cancellation Process:

To cancel your Health Factors membership, please follow these steps:

1. Email: Send an email to, one of the email addresses you used to sign up with Health Factors.
2. Subject Line: Include “Membership Cancellation” in the subject line of your email.
3. Body: In the body of your email, clearly state your reason for cancelling your membership.
4. Information: For our reference, please include your first and last name and your Health Factors login credentials.


To cancel your Health Factors membership, please follow these steps:
● No Refunds for Usage: Unfortunately, refunds will not be granted for any period during which your membership has been active.
● Liability: You are responsible for all charges incurred up until the date you notify Health Factors of your cancellation.
We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions regarding membership cancellation or require clarification on our policy.
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